Monday, April 28, 2008

Social Scene: All Hands on Deck

At the Swiss Re party Sunday night on the U.S.S. Midway, you'd have thought you were in flight school. Lots of men - and they were nearly all men - lining up for a shot a 10 minutes in a flight simulator in the hangar deck of the carrier converted into a museum.
(Women, for the most part, sat benched on the side listening to friends, clients and colleagues squeal as the machines abruptly turned upside down and around.)
Who knew the reinsurance community, was so conversant in the details of carriers landings and takeoffs. On the flight deck, guests and hosts talked about arresting cables, arresting hooks, degree pitch, landing weights and the physics of taking off on small, moving surfaces in airplanes with names like Vigilante, Skyraider, Phantom, Hawkeye and Prowler.
One Swiss Re executive, probably and American, wasn't shy about showing his guest how he used to jump out of an HH-46 transport helicopter during his days jumping with a parachute.
Ironic that representatives of a reinsurance company based in Zurich, the commercial capital of land-locked Switzerland, are so familiar with life at sea.
And during it all ... and not a peep about property/casualty reinsurance rates, terms and conditions. Now that's a party! Time to fly. See ya!

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